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Organic Snow Pick Charcoal Roast
Organic Snow Pick Charcoal Roast
Organic Snow Pick Charcoal Roast
Organic Snow Pick Charcoal Roast

Organic Snow Pick Charcoal Roast

Regular price $5.00

Snow Pick Charcoal Roast


A fun twist on the Snow Pick Oolong genre, this 'rarest of teas' has been charcoal roasted to bring out some unique flavors and mouth feel. The upfront low-mid charcoal roast notes move through a smooth and slick mid-mouth to patiently develop into a lingering aftertaste that is somewhere between High Mountain and Dong Ding Oolongs with complex sweet grass, red fruit and minerality. Remember to take time between sips with this one as there is a lot of flavor development in the aftertaste!

Snow Picked teas, those teas produced in the dead of winter, are rare and very hard to get our hands on.  This is the first time we have ever tried a charcoal roasted one and the flavor seems perfect for the fall, when the weather starts cooling down. 

Elevation: 1400m

Status: Organic Certified

Cultivar: QinXin

Oxidization: 30%

Season: January, 2024

Method: Hand picked, processed on site, small batch, charcoal roast

Region: Jade Mountain Region, Nantou

Recommend Brewing Style:

Gong Fu Style: 3-5g per 100ml, ~100C water, 30, 45, 60 then add 5-10 seconds steeps in gaiwan. Lasts 4-5+ steeps.

Western Style: 3g per 100ml, ~100c water for 3 minutes. Lasts 2-3 steeps.

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